Possession and attributes with の
の is a particle. It's a possessive marker and an attributive marker. "Attributive" here means that something is an attribute of something else, like an attribute in a video game, like the "flame" in "flame sword". The relationship is always straightforward.
私のネコ My cat 君のX Your X. ネコの先 Ahead of the cat 男の子 Boy (metaphorically, male child)
If you get lost, the easiest way to remember の is: It's like "of", but it applies backwards.
夜の人 Person of the night
Sometimes "of" gets confusing, and you have to remember the idea of "attribute".
夜の海 The night sea 海の夜 Night on the sea (NOT "night of the sea")
の is literally the single most common word in all of japanese, so make sure you remember it well!
私の子供のネコが多い My child's cats are many. (My kid has a lot of cats.)