The colloquial usages of だって

Beyond the simple quote usage of (だ)って there are two more. One of them is an extension of the quote one, but the other is historically unrelated.

The exclamatory だって appears in front of a sentence and is used like an adversative interjection similar to a casual しかし or as an explanation/logical continuation from the previous sentence.

“Hurry up and do your homework!”
“But I’m tired…”

I mean, don’t you find it weird?

The other だって is a more casual version of も/でも when used after nouns in the meaning of “even”.

Even I understand that

This だって can also replace the ても conjugation of verbs and adjectives in the form of たって. It sounds very casual.

No matter what kind of thing I eat, there’s no problem.

It’s okay even if you’re not strong.